

日時: 平成27年11月13日(金) 13:30-14:30
場所: 京都大学 桂キャンパスCクラスタ総合研究棟III(C3棟) 3階 b3n03室(航空宇宙工学専攻会議室)
講演: Diffuse interface modeling of subcritical and supercritical flames
Prof. Vincent Giovangigli
(Centre de Mathematiques Appliquees, Ecole Polytechnique, France)
要旨: During the ignition of rocket engines, or in Diesel engines, a transition may occur from subcritical to supercritical pressure conditions and such dynamics cannot be described by current fluid models. There is thus a need for models that transition smoothly from subcritical to supercritical pressure conditions.
With this aim in mind we present a liquid/gas diffuse interface model of Van der Waals/Korteweg type valid at all pressures. In the subcritical regime, the model describes
the continuous interface between a liquid and a gas mixture whereas in the supercritical domain the model thickens high density gradient zones. The interface model is further
embedded into a nonideal multicomponent reactive fluid framework. The resulting equations are used to investigate the interface between cold dense and hot light oxygen as well as the structure of diffusion flames between cold dense oxygen and gaseous like hydrogen at all pressures, either subcritical or supercritical.