



日時: 2020年7月22日(水) 15:00-16:00
場所: オンライン開催
講演: Mathematical Analysis of Moving Boundary Problems in the Kinetic Theory of Gases (分子気体力学における移動境界問題の数学解析)
Dr. Kai Koike (Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University, Japan)
小池 開 氏 (日本学術振興会 特別研究員(PD))
要旨: Moving boundary problems for kinetic equations have become an active area of research mainly due to its importance in MEMS applications. It has also proved to be a source of interesting mathematical problems. Despite this, it’s mathematical theory has not developed to a satisfactory level although there are some recent progresses. In this talk, I would like to review these results hoping to stir interaction between the engeneering and the mathematical community further, which has always been an important element in this field.